We can stop HIV, lowa- by taking a whole-person approach to our sexual health. Get screened for HIV at least once in your lifetime, and request HIV screening any time you are getting tested for sexually-transmitted infections (STIS). Talk openly with your provider about your sex life, so they can help you figure out which tests are best for you. There's not a single test for all STIS-each STI has its own test. STIS can cause long-term health issues when left untreated. They can also increase your chances of acquiring HIV. Getting tested for all sexually-transmitted infections is the best step you can take to protect your own health and help to stop HIV in lowa! STOP HIV IOWA Learn more at stophiviowa.org ? We can stop HIV , lowa by taking a whole - person approach to our sexual health . Get screened for HIV at least once in your lifetime , and request HIV screening any time you are getting tested for sexually - transmitted infections ( STIS ) . Talk openly with your provider about your sex life , so they can help you figure out which tests are best for you . There's not a single test for all STIS - each STI has its own test . STIS can cause long - term health issues when left untreated . They can also increase your chances of acquiring HIV . Getting tested for all sexually - transmitted infections is the best step you can take to protect your own health and help to stop HIV in lowa ! STOP HIV IOWA Learn more at stophiviowa.org ?