We can stop HIV, Iowa. One key step? Get tested. National HIV Testing Day is June 27. Did you know that the CDC recommends everyone get tested for HIV at least once in their lifetime, and more often when needed? This year's National HIV Testing Day theme is "Take the Test & Take the Next Step." Knowing your HIV status helps you choose options to stay healthy! And testing is the only way to know your status. STOP HIV IOWA Visit stophiviowa.org to find testing near you. We can stop HIV , Iowa . One key step ? Get tested . National HIV Testing Day is June 27. Did you know that the CDC recommends everyone get tested for HIV at least once in their lifetime , and more often when needed ? This year's National HIV Testing Day theme is " Take the Test & Take the Next Step . " Knowing your HIV status helps you choose options to stay healthy ! And testing is the only way to know your status . STOP HIV IOWA Visit stophiviowa.org to find testing near you .