G & Miller Construction R G Serving the Community Since 1954 1002 W. Monroe Washington, IA 52353 319-653-2553 www.grmillerconstruction.com Tiling Trenched or Plowed (V-Plow or Straight Shank) GPS Controlled GPS Mapped Competitive Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed Tiling, Terraces, Waterways Septic Systems, All Types of Excavating land improvenent Connoclon LICA ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC G & Miller Construction R G Serving the Community Since 1954 1002 W. Monroe Washington, IA 52353 319-653-2553 www.grmillerconstruction.com Tiling Trenched or Plowed (V-Plow or Straight Shank) GPS Controlled GPS Mapped Competitive Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed Tiling, Terraces, Waterways Septic Systems, All Types of Excavating land improvenent Connoclon LICA ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC