Medicare can be complicated. A Farm Bureau agent makes it easy. Call me to find a Medicare supplement plan that's right for you. FARM BUREAU AUTHORIZED INDEPENDENT AGENTS FOR Wellmark. J lowa Products available at Farm Bureau Financial Services Ann C. Williams LUTCF, AFIS AgWise Master Certified The Ann C Williams Agency 121 N. lowa Ave. Washington, IA 319-653-3232 An authorized independent agent for Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield of lowa, an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. W5018029 9/20 Medicare can be complicated . A Farm Bureau agent makes it easy . Call me to find a Medicare supplement plan that's right for you . FARM BUREAU AUTHORIZED INDEPENDENT AGENTS FOR Wellmark . J lowa Products available at Farm Bureau Financial Services Ann C. Williams LUTCF , AFIS AgWise Master Certified The Ann C Williams Agency 121 N. lowa Ave. Washington , IA 319-653-3232 An authorized independent agent for Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield of lowa , an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association . W5018029 9/20