
Ryan Binkley, U.S. Presidential Candidate (R), CEO/Co-Founder Generational Group and Sr. Pastor of Create Church based in Dallas, TX. Binkley For President 2024 is a company dedicated to restoring faith in God, freedom, and each other. They believe in a better America and aim to unite the nation to bring about positive change. They provide vital updates and information to subscribers. UNITED. WE RISE. THE WAY TO FREEDOM HAS ALWAYS BEGUN WITH 'WE, THE PEOPLE.' Three of the most powerful words ever written. In them the hope of our nation was born… a hope of a nation governed of the people, by the people, and for the people. Currently our nation is lost, divided, and in financial trouble. Here’s the good news: united, we can rise to change it as we restore our faith in God, freedom, and each other.

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