VIRTUAL ONLINE HENRY COUNTY, IOWA LAND AUCTION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 2023 AT 10:00 AMCT 17.45 ACRES± 1 TRACT The McCormick land is located in Section 4, Jackson Township, Henry County, lowa. Ideally located just minutes south of Mt. Pleasant, lowa. From the south edge of Mt. Pleasant, lowa, proceed 4 miles on Hwy. 218/27 to River Road, turn left or east and you are at the property. Super M-TA 2wd tractor; Farmall Super M-TA 2wd tractor; Farmall M 2wd tractor, Farmall H 2wd tractor; Minneapolis Moline UB 2wd tractor; Minneapolis Moline U 2wd tractor; '64 JD 3020 2wd tractor; 54 JD 70 2wd tractor; Massey Harris 444 2wd tractor; '18 Case-IH 7240 4wd combine, 881 eng./626 sep. hrs.; "13 Case-IH 3412 12 row 30° corn head, sells complete w/ Unverferth 636 36' head cart; '11 Case-IH 2162 35' flex draper head; 03 Case-IH SPX3185 self-propelled sprayer; Terra-Gator 1603T self-propelled sprayer; '14 JD 1770 NT 24 row 30 planter; Case-IH 1250 16 row 30° planter;"10 Case-IH 1200 16/31 planter, Kinze MT 6 row 30° 3-pt. planter, Kinze MT 2 row 30" 3-pt. planter, Shop built 40° male row corn planter; Tye 13' 3-pt. grain drill; J&M 375 ST seed tender, '14 Case-IH 330 Turbo 34' vertical tillage tool: DMI Tiger-Mate Il 43%' field cultivator; JD 980 36 % field cultivator; Unverferth 130 Zone Builder 7-shank in-line ripper; Rite Way FFS 46' land roller; Brillion XL-144-1 32' roller packer; Kinze 1500 8 row 30" cultivator; DMI 4200 11 20-knife NH3 applicator, M&W 1475 Earthmaster 7-shank disk ripper; Wil-Rich 2900 8-bottom plow; DMI 6-bottom plow; JD 4-bottom pull-type plow, Big Ox 7-shank 3-pt. V-ripper; Yetter 60 rotary hoe; JD 400 20 rotary hoe; JD 1050 35' field cultivator; Brent 1082 grain cart; Convey-All 1426 drive over conveyor; Convey-All TCH-14115A 14x115 belt conveyor; Mayrath 10x73' swing away auger; Westfield WR100-31 105x31' top drive auger; Parker 3000 gravity wagon: (3) M&W 3008 gravity wagons; '03 Peterbilt 385 day cab semi; 89 Freightliner FLD120 day cab semi 48 Mack MH613 cab over semic '65 Chevy 80 grain truck; '13 Timpte 42' hopper bottom trailer: '09 Timpte 42' hopper bottom trailer: "90 Wheeler 42 hopper bottom trailer; '04 Transcraft 48' step deck trailer, '08 PJ 25 flatbed trailer, 92 Dutchman 271 WRK LSL camper, 20 flatbed trailer, 6'x12' flatbed trailer; 21 Ford F-150 4wd pickup: 21 Chevy 1500 4wd pickup; '08 Ford F-150 4wd pickup; 08 Chevy 3500HD 4wd pickup: 102 Ford F-250 4wd pickup: 91 GMC 3500 2wd pickup: 76 Ford F-150 4wd pickup: Also selling farm equipment, construction equipment, utility vehicles, lawn mower, farm support items & shop supplies. MAC FARMS INC. | PATRICK B. MCCORMICK ESTATE ERIC BENNE-EXECUTOR | BURLINGTON MARKET PRESIDENT, WEALTH MANAGEMENT OFFICER, TWO RIVERS BANK Auction Managers: Jeff Hoyer (319) 759-4320 & Matt Sullivan (309) 221-7001 SAME FAMILY SAME REPUTATION SAME CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Don't miss this rare opportunity to purchase your very own riverfront property, which offers excellent recreational opportunities including; boating, fishing, camping, wildlife viewing and overall fun! Mark your calendars now for this fast approaching Henry County, lowa land auction. Once again, we can not stress enough the uniqueness of this recreational property, its excellent location and very easy access! PATRICK B. MCCORMICK ESTATE Eric Benne - Executor - Burlington Market President, Wealth Management Officer, Two Rivers Bank Representing Attorney: Christopher Wallace Anderson, Roberts, Porth, Wallace, Stewart & Werner LLP. 524 N. Main Street, Burlington, lowa 52601 | (319) 754-7585 Auction Manager: Jeff Hoyer (319) 759-4320 Sullivan Auctioneers and Biglron Auctions are the best choice for online land and equipment auctions. With a combined bidder base of half a million, we bring national exposure to your land and equipment that you can't get from anyone else. Contact your local representative today! SULLIVAN AUCTIONEERS TIMED ONLINE | NO-RESERVE FARM RETIREMENT AUCTION BIDDING CLOSES: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 2023 STARTING AT 10:00 AMCT PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 1880 MARSH AVE., MT. PLEASANT, IA THURS., MARCH 23 & FRI, MARCH 24 9 AM - 3 PM INSPECTION DATES: HIGHLIGHTS: 12 Case-IH Magnum 235 MFWD tractor, 1,212 hrs.; "10 Case-IH Magnum 215 MFWD tractor, 2,163 hrs.; "15 Case-IH Magnum 200 MFWD tractor, 981 hrs: 12 Case-IH Steiger 400 HD 4wd tractor, 2,479 hrs.; "11 Versatile 435 4wd tractor, 2,006 hrs.: 67 JD 5020 2wd tractor; '84 Versatile 895 4wd tractor, showing 9,393 hrs.; '75 Versatile 900 4wd tractor, showing 6,638 hrs.; International 1456 2wd tractor; International 1456 2wd tractor; Farmall 560 2wd tractor, Farmall 560 2wd tractor, Farmall 400 2wd tractor; Farmall 300 2wd tractor, Farmall SA a Biglron company (844) 847-2161. WWW.SULLIVANAUCTIONEERS.COM LICENSE #444000107 VIRTUAL ONLINE HENRY COUNTY , IOWA LAND AUCTION WEDNESDAY , MARCH 15 , 2023 AT 10:00 AMCT 17.45 ACRES ± 1 TRACT The McCormick land is located in Section 4 , Jackson Township , Henry County , lowa . Ideally located just minutes south of Mt. Pleasant , lowa . From the south edge of Mt. Pleasant , lowa , proceed 4 miles on Hwy . 218/27 to River Road , turn left or east and you are at the property . Super M - TA 2wd tractor ; Farmall Super M - TA 2wd tractor ; Farmall M 2wd tractor , Farmall H 2wd tractor ; Minneapolis Moline UB 2wd tractor ; Minneapolis Moline U 2wd tractor ; '64 JD 3020 2wd tractor ; 54 JD 70 2wd tractor ; Massey Harris 444 2wd tractor ; '18 Case - IH 7240 4wd combine , 881 eng./626 sep . hrs .; " 13 Case - IH 3412 12 row 30 ° corn head , sells complete w / Unverferth 636 36 ' head cart ; '11 Case - IH 2162 35 ' flex draper head ; 03 Case - IH SPX3185 self - propelled sprayer ; Terra - Gator 1603T self - propelled sprayer ; '14 JD 1770 NT 24 row 30 planter ; Case - IH 1250 16 row 30 ° planter ; " 10 Case - IH 1200 16/31 planter , Kinze MT 6 row 30 ° 3 - pt . planter , Kinze MT 2 row 30 " 3 - pt . planter , Shop built 40 ° male row corn planter ; Tye 13 ' 3 - pt . grain drill ; J & M 375 ST seed tender , '14 Case - IH 330 Turbo 34 ' vertical tillage tool : DMI Tiger - Mate Il 43 % ' field cultivator ; JD 980 36 % field cultivator ; Unverferth 130 Zone Builder 7 - shank in - line ripper ; Rite Way FFS 46 ' land roller ; Brillion XL - 144-1 32 ' roller packer ; Kinze 1500 8 row 30 " cultivator ; DMI 4200 11 20 - knife NH3 applicator , M & W 1475 Earthmaster 7 - shank disk ripper ; Wil - Rich 2900 8 - bottom plow ; DMI 6 - bottom plow ; JD 4 - bottom pull - type plow , Big Ox 7 - shank 3 - pt . V - ripper ; Yetter 60 rotary hoe ; JD 400 20 rotary hoe ; JD 1050 35 ' field cultivator ; Brent 1082 grain cart ; Convey - All 1426 drive over conveyor ; Convey - All TCH - 14115A 14x115 belt conveyor ; Mayrath 10x73 ' swing away auger ; Westfield WR100-31 105x31 ' top drive auger ; Parker 3000 gravity wagon : ( 3 ) M & W 3008 gravity wagons ; '03 Peterbilt 385 day cab semi ; 89 Freightliner FLD120 day cab semi 48 Mack MH613 cab over semic '65 Chevy 80 grain truck ; '13 Timpte 42 ' hopper bottom trailer : '09 Timpte 42 ' hopper bottom trailer : " 90 Wheeler 42 hopper bottom trailer ; '04 Transcraft 48 ' step deck trailer , '08 PJ 25 flatbed trailer , 92 Dutchman 271 WRK LSL camper , 20 flatbed trailer , 6'x12 ' flatbed trailer ; 21 Ford F - 150 4wd pickup : 21 Chevy 1500 4wd pickup ; '08 Ford F - 150 4wd pickup ; 08 Chevy 3500HD 4wd pickup : 102 Ford F - 250 4wd pickup : 91 GMC 3500 2wd pickup : 76 Ford F - 150 4wd pickup : Also selling farm equipment , construction equipment , utility vehicles , lawn mower , farm support items & shop supplies . MAC FARMS INC . | PATRICK B. MCCORMICK ESTATE ERIC BENNE - EXECUTOR | BURLINGTON MARKET PRESIDENT , WEALTH MANAGEMENT OFFICER , TWO RIVERS BANK Auction Managers : Jeff Hoyer ( 319 ) 759-4320 & Matt Sullivan ( 309 ) 221-7001 SAME FAMILY SAME REPUTATION SAME CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Don't miss this rare opportunity to purchase your very own riverfront property , which offers excellent recreational opportunities including ; boating , fishing , camping , wildlife viewing and overall fun ! Mark your calendars now for this fast approaching Henry County , lowa land auction . Once again , we can not stress enough the uniqueness of this recreational property , its excellent location and very easy access ! PATRICK B. MCCORMICK ESTATE Eric Benne - Executor - Burlington Market President , Wealth Management Officer , Two Rivers Bank Representing Attorney : Christopher Wallace Anderson , Roberts , Porth , Wallace , Stewart & Werner LLP . 524 N. Main Street , Burlington , lowa 52601 | ( 319 ) 754-7585 Auction Manager : Jeff Hoyer ( 319 ) 759-4320 Sullivan Auctioneers and Biglron Auctions are the best choice for online land and equipment auctions . With a combined bidder base of half a million , we bring national exposure to your land and equipment that you can't get from anyone else . Contact your local representative today ! SULLIVAN AUCTIONEERS TIMED ONLINE | NO - RESERVE FARM RETIREMENT AUCTION BIDDING CLOSES : WEDNESDAY , MARCH 29 , 2023 STARTING AT 10:00 AMCT PHYSICAL ADDRESS : 1880 MARSH AVE . , MT . PLEASANT , IA THURS . , MARCH 23 & FRI , MARCH 24 9 AM - 3 PM INSPECTION DATES : HIGHLIGHTS : 12 Case - IH Magnum 235 MFWD tractor , 1,212 hrs .; " 10 Case - IH Magnum 215 MFWD tractor , 2,163 hrs .; " 15 Case - IH Magnum 200 MFWD tractor , 981 hrs : 12 Case - IH Steiger 400 HD 4wd tractor , 2,479 hrs .; " 11 Versatile 435 4wd tractor , 2,006 hrs .: 67 JD 5020 2wd tractor ; '84 Versatile 895 4wd tractor , showing 9,393 hrs .; '75 Versatile 900 4wd tractor , showing 6,638 hrs .; International 1456 2wd tractor ; International 1456 2wd tractor ; Farmall 560 2wd tractor , Farmall 560 2wd tractor , Farmall 400 2wd tractor ; Farmall 300 2wd tractor , Farmall SA a Biglron company ( 844 ) 847-2161 . WWW.SULLIVANAUCTIONEERS.COM LICENSE # 444000107