2019 2020 As the President of lowa State Bank, I am proud to recognize the following high school and middle school athletes from our banking family. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to balance all the practices and games between schoolwork and the many other responsibilities that our youth have these days. I would like to take this opportunity to say "thank you" for your participation and commitment to your sport so that the strong tradition of Fairfield Sports continues on. - AARON KNESS, PRESIDENT/ CEO CHANCE ATLANTA SWAN LANDON KOOIKER 11th Grade 12th Grade Basketball Fairfield High School Son of Michelle Kooiker, Loan Service Representative Bowling Fairfield High School Son of Mark Swan, IT Manager I Iowa State Bank www.myiowastatebank.com 2019 2020 As the President of lowa State Bank, I am proud to recognize the following high school and middle school athletes from our banking family. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to balance all the practices and games between schoolwork and the many other responsibilities that our youth have these days. I would like to take this opportunity to say "thank you" for your participation and commitment to your sport so that the strong tradition of Fairfield Sports continues on. - AARON KNESS, PRESIDENT/ CEO CHANCE ATLANTA SWAN LANDON KOOIKER 11th Grade 12th Grade Basketball Fairfield High School Son of Michelle Kooiker, Loan Service Representative Bowling Fairfield High School Son of Mark Swan, IT Manager I Iowa State Bank www.myiowastatebank.com