A little about us: In January of 2019, we purchased Thymely Solutions. After shopping at Thymely for quite some time, we felt like it was a store that did great things to help people on their path to wellbeing. Our mission is to remain true to Pam’s original vision of bringing customers only the purest, natural, organic and non-GMO vitamins, supplements, and gifts available for a variety of ailments or conditions. We are committed to continuing to do our research and uphold Thymely Solutions’ history of providing only the absolute best products. While we honor the uniqueness of our brick and mortar store located in Fairfield, Iowa, we also know that there is a need to make our wellness products more available to everyone around the world at our online store. So please browse and shop our products whether you are looking for men’s and women’s health products, essential oils, homeopathic remedies, bone & joint health, or energy support we have what you need. We also carry our own line of Thymely Solutions products which have quickly become customer favorites due to their high quality, effectiveness and affordability!
We are life-long learners; always wanting to learn more and grow as individuals. We love helping others and have done this throughout our lives. Owning Thymely Solutions has given us a platform to help many more people and to share our stories. We believe that knowledge is power and people should have all the information readily available to make informed decisions concerning their health. A wise doctor told us several years ago that the money spent on natural health and wellness, and pure, organic products will far outweigh the price spent on doctors and health later on in life. We shifted our thinking and we continue in this journey of knowledge and wellbeing. You do your best when you feel your best, and take care of your mind, body and soul!