GOLD CROWN TRAVEL & TOUR NOV. 21-22 MALL OF AMERICA & MYSTIC LAKE CASINO: BLOOMINGTON, MN. With Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner we will all be shopping for our loved ones. We want to make it as easy as possible with an excursion to the nation's largest retail and entertainment complex with over 520 stores and 50 restaurants Let's make this tour even more fun by spending the evening at the famous MYSTIC LAKE CASINO. We can look forward to a beautiful resort accommodation, $10 free play and breakfast in the morning. For those that would like to spend more time at the mall or Casino, the Casino provides regular shuttle service between each facility. .$255 PP.DBL.0C. $335 SIG.0OC. Your tour begins with a phone call or email! www.GOLDCROWNTRIP.CCOM 319-366-3766 GOLD CROWN TRAVEL & TOUR NOV. 21-22 MALL OF AMERICA & MYSTIC LAKE CASINO: BLOOMINGTON, MN. With Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner we will all be shopping for our loved ones. We want to make it as easy as possible with an excursion to the nation's largest retail and entertainment complex with over 520 stores and 50 restaurants Let's make this tour even more fun by spending the evening at the famous MYSTIC LAKE CASINO. We can look forward to a beautiful resort accommodation, $10 free play and breakfast in the morning. For those that would like to spend more time at the mall or Casino, the Casino provides regular shuttle service between each facility. .$255 PP.DBL.0C. $335 SIG.0OC. Your tour begins with a phone call or email! www.GOLDCROWNTRIP.CCOM 319-366-3766